Drug Discovery 2015
IKKO-ZU Corporation

Where: E2
[Show on Floor Plan]
IKKO-ZU Corporation specializes in cell culture plates, particularly 3D-Cell culture plates with gas permeable capability.
Our 3D-Cell culture plates make it possible to provide a direct oxygen supply and 3D-Cell cultures. Our unique 3D-Cell model is an irregular spheroid, not an ordinary spheroid, and we call it an “Island shaped 3D Cell Aggregate”(Island 3D). It is well suited for image analysis and high-content screening (HCS).
Tel: +81-44-272-7077
Fax: +81-44-233-3753
Address: Resona Kawasaki Building 6F, 2-5-11 Isago, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi,Kanagawa-ken
Website: http://bioscience-ik.com/
Email: info-os@bioscience-ik.com