Wednesday, 14 November 2018 to Thursday, 15 November 2018
Becton Dickinson U.K. Limited

Where: B7
[Show on Floor Plan]
BD Biosciences, is one of the world's largest businesses serving the life sciences, providing research tools and reagents to study life - from normal processes to disease states - and accelerate the pace of biomedical discovery. As a leader in immunology and cell analysis, BD Biosciences- Immunocytometry Systems provide flow cytometry solutions for research and clinical use with applications for immune function, vaccine research, infectious disease, and oncology.

Throughout the world, clinicians and researchers use BD Biosciences' tools to study genes, proteins and cells to better understand disease, improve technologies for diagnosis and disease management, and facilitate the discovery and development of novel therapeutics.

BD Biosciences provide integrated, high value products and services for genomics, proteomics, drug discovery and development, cell analysis and clinical diagnostics.
Tel: 7917262286
Address: 1030 Eskdale Road, Winnersh Triangle, Wokingham

Staff Attending

Mr Mark Beswick
Technical Sales Specialist
Becton Dickinson U.K. Limited
Dr Mark Beswick
Technical Sales Specialist
Becton Dickinson U.K. Limited
Mr John Lawry
High Speed Sorter Specialist
Becton Dickinson U.K. Limited
Mr Ben Long
Industry Key Account Manager
Becton Dickinson U.K. Limited
Mr Ross Lopes
Product Manager
Becton Dickinson U.K. Limited
Mrs Michele Noble
Technical Sales
Becton Dickinson U.K. Limited
Mr Chris Woods
Regional Sales Manager
Becton Dickinson U.K. Limited

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