Protein Sciences in Drug Discovery 2022
Proteome Sciences Plc

Where: 18
[Show on Floor Plan]
Proteome Sciences is a CRO specialising in the analysis of proteins detected by Mass Spectrometry. We offer various Discovery and Targeted Services to characterise proteins and their associated post translational modifications. By using LC-MS2, SysQuant® and TMTcalibratorTM methodologies we can detect up to 8,000 of proteins/sample. With our proprietary bioinformatics software, these can be trimmed down to some tens of proteins that are either up-, or down-regulated with disease progression or drug treatment. These key protein biomarkers can then be measured in a GCLP accredited Targeted Assay either in an ongoing project or in a clinical trial, via a multiplexed assay of up to 100 proteins/sample.
Tel: +44 (0)207 0432116
Address: Hamilton House
Mabledon Place

Staff Attending

Mr Richard Dennis
Proteome Sciences Plc

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