Tuesday, 30 November 2021 to Wednesday, 1 December 2021

From Image to Results: Organoid Analysis


M Haley1; P Seidel1; M Canavan2
1 Carl Zeiss, Germany;  2 Arivis, UK


Intestinal organoids have become indispensable tools for studying both normal gut development and mechanisms leading to morbidities e.g. Inflammatory Bowel disease. Intestinal organoids grow out from single intestinal stem cells. With the proper signalling cues applied, they eventually form organoids consisting of a single layer of enterocytes surrounding a hollow lumen that resembles the lumen of a real gut.

Microscopic imaging of organoids is a challenge due to their large size, light scattering characteristics, environmental requirements, generating large 3D data sets and phototoxicity. Therefore, the appropriate selection of the image acquisition tool is vital to acquire the highest quality data sets.

In this application story we showcase an automated laser scanning confocal imaging experiment performed on intestinal organoids treated with and without a Wnt-inhibiting drug, with the experimental goal to study the role of Wnt signalling in organoid formation.