Drug Discovery 2014

Ingo Kober

 Ingo Kober
Ingo Kober
Director Molecular Pharmacology
Merck Serono

Profile of Ingo Kober

Dr. Ingo Kober studied biology and received his PhD from the Philipps-University in Marburg, Germany, where he worked on transcriptional regulation. After post doctoral training at the Institute for Molecular Biology and Tumor Research in Marburg, he joined LION Bioscience, a Heidelberg based Biotech company. There he held various positions in research and contributed to the set up of LIONs drug discovery unit till he changed to Phenex Pharmaceuticals, where he was responsible for assay development and high throughput screening.
Ingo is with Merck since 2004 and after heading a lab in Global Technologies, he took over responsibility for the Assay Development and Biomolecular Pharmacology department. Later, he also took over responsibility for High Throughput Screening and Compound Logistics and is now heading the Molecular Pharmacology Department in Darmstadt. Besides central High Throuput Screening for Merck Serono, his responsibilities include development and execution of biochemical, cell-based and phenotypic assays for Hit Discovery and Hit to Candidate activities in all therapeutic areas (Oncology, Immuno Oncology, Immunology, Neurology). He is also responsible for the compound logistic team in Darmstadt, which not only provides HTS but all european research activities of Merck Serono with compounds in a multitude of tube and plate based formats.


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