Pharmaceutical Flow Cytometry & Imaging '14

Philip Freeman

 Philip Freeman
Philip Freeman
Clinical Lecturer & Interventional Cardiology Fellow
Cardiff University

Presentations at Pharmaceutical Flow Cytometry & Imaging '14

Profile of Philip Freeman

Phillip Freeman is a clinical lecturer at Cardiff University and an interventional cardiology fellow coming to the end of his sub-specialist training. He has recently completed his PhD on the subject of auto-regulation of myocardial perfusion. He also has a research interest in tailored anti-platelet therapy for patients receiving percutaneous coronary intervention. As well as these bench to bedside translational interests, Phillip has an active and expanding interest in the use of “big data” to develop the answers to fundamental clinical questions on how we treat patients, use resources and target (or mis-target) the highest risk patients. Whilst he’s not frustrating himself at work he enjoys competing in triathlons or moaning about his latest triathlon related injury.


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