Research & Innovation 2015 - Accelerating Early Discovery

Neil Carragher

 Neil  Carragher
Neil Carragher
Principal Investigator Drug Discovery
University of Edinburgh

Presentations at Research & Innovation 2015 - Accelerating Early Discovery

Profile of Neil Carragher

Neil Carragher graduated from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland UK in 1992 with a B.Sc Honours degree in the subject of “Cell and Immunobiology”. He then took up a position within industry at the Yamanouchi Research Institute, Oxford, England UK where he gained his PhD. He then held consecutive postdoctoral positions within the Department of Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, USA and at the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, Glasgow, Scotland UK. In 2004 Neil returned to the pharmaceutical industry as Principal Scientist with the Advanced Science and Technology Laboratory at AstraZeneca where he pioneered early multiparametric high-content phenotypic screening approaches. In 2010 he once again made the career switch from industry to academia and took up the post of Principal Investigator of Drug Discovery at the University of Edinburgh where he leads a research group and is currently co-director of the Edinburgh Cancer Discovery Unit. Current research interests include advancing High-content analysis, phenotypic screening, Reverse Phase Protein Array technology and cancer drug discovery.


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