Drug Discovery 2015

Volker Schellenberger

 Volker  Schellenberger
Volker Schellenberger
President and CEO

Presentations at Drug Discovery 2015

Profile of Volker Schellenberger

Volker Schellenberger is President and CEO of Amunix Operating Inc, which he co-founded with Willem Pim Stemmer in 2006. He initially served as Amunix’ Chief Scientific Officer and is the lead inventor of the company’s XTEN technology. XTEN enables the engineering of biotherapeutics with long in-vivo half-life and low safety risk due to their biodegradable nature. XTENylated pharmaceuticals can be efficiently produced by recombinant expression as well as by bioconjugation. The favorable properties of XTEN have been confirmed in multiple clinical trials.


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