Drug Discovery 2015

Tobias Huber

 Tobias Huber
Tobias Huber
Professor of Medicine
University of Freiburg

Presentations at Drug Discovery 2015

Profile of Tobias Huber

Tobias B. Huber is a Professor of Medicine, Heisenbergprofessor, Director of the Center of Systems Biology, and Senior Attending Physician at the University Medical Center, Freiburg. Huber`s main research interests are in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying glomerular disease. His team identified several key molecular mechanisms of podocyte biology and progressive glomerular disease. Specifically, his work identified signalling programs that regulate podocyte cell survival, endocytosis, cytoskeletal organization and polarity, providing novel insight of how podocytes contribute to glomerular diseases. The latest research of Huber’s team in Freiburg includes the study of mTor-autophagy signalling networks in glomerular disease and kidney aging. Tobias B. Huber received numerous awards including the highest awards of the German renal society and the ASN Young Investigator Award 2012.


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