Drug Discovery 2015

Prof Tracy Hussell

Prof Tracy Hussell
Prof Tracy Hussell
Director and Professor of Immunology
Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research

Presentations at Drug Discovery 2015

Profile of Prof Tracy Hussell

Professor Tracy Hussell was awarded a Personal Chair in Inflammatory Disease at Imperial College London in 2004 and has vibrant research group studying immune health and its deregulation in the lung. Professor Hussell is now the Director of the Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research (MCCIR) that is an innovative joint venture with the University of Manchester, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline. She has published in excess of 100 peer reviewed papers, served as a Trustee and Education Secretary of the British Society for Immunology and performs editorial duties for a range of immunological journals. Her group is particularly interested in how structure modulates innate immunity and how this is perturbed in chronic lung disease.


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