Drug Discovery 2015

Norbert Hübner

 Norbert  Hübner
Norbert Hübner
Professor and Chair in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Sciences
Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC)

Presentations at Drug Discovery 2015

Profile of Norbert Hübner

Norbert Hubner is professor and chair in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Sciences at the Charité Medical School Berlin and head of a senior research group at the Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC). He studied Medicine in Heidelberg and Berlin, Germany and carried out his doctoral thesis work at Children's Hospital in Boston before joining the Ganten laboratory at the MDC as postdoctoral fellow. After his postdoc he started his own research group at the MDC where he stayed since. The group's main objective is to identify the molecular basis of common genetically complex human cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. He coordinates a large EU-funded systems biology programme in the rat (EURATRANS) involving 16 institutions across Europe, Japan and the US.


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