Drug Discovery 2015

Derek Trezise

 Derek Trezise
Derek Trezise
Director and European Site Head
Essen Bioscience

Profile of Derek Trezise

Derek (Del) Trezise founded the European arm of Essen Bioscience in 2009, and is currently Director and European Site Head. Educated in pharmacology and physiology, he obtained his PhD from the Medical School, University of Manchester on the study of K+ channels in endothelial cells. His postdoctoral work at the University of Cambridge focused on the function of P2X ligand-gated channels in the cardiovascular and CNS. Del spent 14 years in senior roles at GlaxoSmithKline including Director of Biological Reagents & Assay Development, and Director of Compound Profiling. He made significant strategic, leadership and practical contributions to a wide range of drug discovery programs, culminating in the identification and progression of novel drug candidates including SK/IK channel modulators, and blockers of voltage-gated Na+ and TRP channels. Del was also responsible for the implementation of automated patch clamp technology across the organization. Over the last 20 years Del has co-authored 40+ peer-reviewed manuscripts, patents and articles in the cell-based assay and ion channel field.


Mrs Nicola Bevan
Senior Research Scientist
Essen Bioscience
Jon Cogan
Technical Sales Specialist
Essen Bioscience
Tim Dale
Director of Biology, Europe
Essen BioScience
Stuart Logan
Imaging Specialist
Essen BioScience
Dr Gillian Lovell
Research Scientist
Essen BioScience
Tim O'Callaghan
Product Manager
Essen BioScience


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