BSP Spring Meeting 2018

Prof Mike Doenhoff

Prof Mike Doenhoff
Prof Mike Doenhoff
Associated member of staff
University of Nottingham

Profile of Prof Mike Doenhoff

I have been working on schistosomes/schistosomiasis for about 40 years. My research interests have included the nature of the parasite's interactions with the host immune response, immunodiagnosis, drug resistance and the immune-dependence of chemotherapy. Recently my colleagues and I have been investigating antigenic cross-reactivity between Scistosoma mansoni and different types of allergen, which we think may provide an explanation for the 'hygiene hypothesis'.


Dr Parul Sharma
PhD student
University of Nottingham
Miss Parul Sharma
University of Nottingham


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Hosted By

British Society for Parasitology (BSP)

We are science based charitable society.

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