BSP Spring Meeting 2018

Prof Andy Fenton

Prof Andy Fenton
Prof Andy Fenton
University of Liverpool

Presentations at BSP Spring Meeting 2018

Profile of Prof Andy Fenton

I am interested in understanding the occurrence and consequences of interactions between species in natural communities – with a particular focus on infectious diseases. My work focuses on the use of simple mathematical theory, coupled with experimental perturbations of natural systems, to reveal the extent to which species interact, and whether those interactions are important for the dynamics of each species, or the stability of the community as a whole.

In terms of infectious diseases, I am particularly interested in whether co-circulating and co-infecting parasite species interact inside hosts, and whether those interactions affect the host’s susceptibility to infection or disease by other parasites. I am also interested in how multiple host species combine to determine the transmission and persistence of parasites at the host community level.


Mrs Alaa Al-Khafaji
PhD Student
University of Liverpool
Mrs Aleksandra Beliavskaia
PhD student
University of Liverpool
Dr Janine Coombes
University of Liverpool
Mrs Catherine Hartley
Senior Technician
University of Liverpool
Miss Rachael Hough
PhD student
University of Liverpool
Dr Alison Howell
University of Liverpool
Ms Catherine McLeonard
PhD student
University of Liverpool
Miss Jennifer Palfreyman
University of Liverpool
Miss Cassandra Raby
PhD student
University of Liverpool
Prof Diana Williams
University of Liverpool


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British Society for Parasitology (BSP)

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