Wednesday, 14 November 2018 to Thursday, 15 November 2018

Prof John Rarity

Prof John Rarity
Prof John Rarity
Head of Quantum Engineering Technology Labs
University of Bristol

Presentations at Pharmaceutical Flow Cytometry & Imaging 2018

Thu15  Nov09:10am(40 mins)
Quantum measurements for biotechnology

Session: Keynote Speaker
Room: The Auditorium

Profile of Prof John Rarity

Professor John Rarity FRS is head of Quantum Engineering Technology Labs (Physics and E&EE) and Photonics Group (E&EE) at the University of Bristol. (since 2003). He is an international expert on quantum optics, communications and sensing exploiting using single photons and entanglement. He pioneered early experiments in path entanglement, quantum key distribution and quantum metrology and is leading quantum measurement work in the UK Quantum Technologies Imaging Hub. His earliest work started with dynamic light scattering from colloids, proteins, cells and single dye molecules using photon counting and correlation. Current research focusses on sub-shot noise imaging schemes, quantum sensing and long wavelength light measurements using short wavelength detectors exploiting non-linear quantum interferometry.


Ms Lydia Melville
BSc student
University of Bristol


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