Prof Cornelis Hokke

Prof Cornelis Hokke
Prof Cornelis Hokke
Professor of Glycobiology of Host-Pathogen Interaction
Leiden University Medical Center

Discussions at BSP Autumn Symposium 2018 - Parasite Glycobiology

Profile of Prof Cornelis Hokke

Cornelis H. (Ron) Hokke is Professor of Glycobiology of Host-Pathogen Interaction at the Department of Parasitology, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands.
His research focusses on the glycobiology of host-helminth interactions, and the development of glycan-based approaches to combat infectious diseases. Research themes include chemistry-driven studies of glycan-mediated immunity, glycomics technology development such as mass spectrometry and glycan arrays for the detection of glycan binding proteins and antibodies, glycoconjugate vaccine discovery studies for schistosomiasis and other parasitic worm infections, structure-function studies of immunomodulatory glycoconjugates, and the application of glycan antigens for diagnostics and biomarker discovery in infectious diseases.
The themes are of an interdisciplinary research nature combining in vitro and in vivo immunology, synthetic and analytical chemistry, and studies of natural and experimental parasite infections.


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