Drug Discovery 2019 - Looking back to the future

Prof Gary Stephens

Prof Gary Stephens
Prof Gary Stephens
Director of Pharmacology
University of Reading

Presentations at Drug Discovery 2019 - Looking back to the future

Profile of Prof Gary Stephens

Gary Stephens is Professor of Pharmacology and Director of Pharmacology within the School of Pharmacy, University of Reading. He is an in vitro electrophysiologist with an interest in the pharmacology and physiology of ion channels and receptors. His work has a focus on models of disease, namely ataxia, pain and epilepsy. He is particularly interested in the modulation of voltage-gated calcium channels and their role in presynaptic function (CaV2 calcium channels) and neuronal signalling (CaV3 calcium channels). Current work investigates the molecular determinants of ion channel function in recombinant cells and native neurones. Prof Stephens also investigates inhibitory synaptic transmission in the cerebellum and excitatory transmission in the hippocampus. The focus of the latter work is on plant-derived cannabinoids, this work has contributed preclinical evidence to support the recent development of cannabidiol as the medicine, Epidiolex. Prof Stephens recently acted as Guest Editor for the British Journal of Pharmacology Themed Issue “Targeting ion channels to treat chronic pain”.


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