Drug Discovery 2019 - Looking back to the future

Stuart Farrow

 Stuart Farrow
Stuart Farrow
CR-UK Therapeutic Discovery Laboratories

Presentations at Drug Discovery 2019 - Looking back to the future

Profile of Stuart Farrow

Before joining Cancer Research UK Therapeutic Discovery laboratories as director of biology in 2015, Stuart spent more than 20 years in drug discovery and leadership roles in the pharmaceutical industry. Most recently he was based at the University of Manchester, where he directed the establishment of the Manchester Centre for Collaborative Research in Inflammation (MCCIR), a £15M initiative funded by GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca and the University of Manchester. He is a past member of the MRC Infection and Immunity Board. Stuart has worked in several therapeutic areas and has directed major translational research initiatives in apoptosis, immunology and circadian biology. He has led discovery teams that have generated several clinical candidate molecules and has overseen biology programmes for drugs that have achieved regulatory approval and launch. In his current role he has been closely involved in the establishment of major drug discovery alliances in cancer immunology between CR-UK and various industry partners.


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