Webinar - Cellular Therapy

Dr Steve Swioklo

Dr Steve Swioklo
Dr Steve Swioklo
Senior Scientist

Discussions at Webinar - Cellular Therapy

Profile of Dr Steve Swioklo

Steve Swioklo is Senior Scientist and Co-founder of Atelerix Ltd., a biotech company specialising in cell preservation technologies for drug discovery and cell therapy applications. He did his PhD training at the University of Reading before conducting post-doctoral research at Newcastle University under the supervision of Prof. Che Connon. His post-doctoral research was focused on hydrogel-encapsulation of cells and tissues for room temperature preservation, with an emphasis on scalability and translatability to cell-based therapies. Throughout his research, he has had a key interest in mesenchymal stem cell therapy and combining cell storage technologies with new ways to deliver cells for ocular wound healing. He has also explored other applications through which cell-encapsulation for storage can be used as an adjunct, such as 3D biofabrication.

Atelerix Ltd. was founded in 2016 by Prof. Che Connon (CSO), Dr. Mick McLean (CEO) and Dr. Steve Swioklo. The company has used its expertise in the room temperature preservation of cells to work closely with biotech companies to solve their cell distribution problems. It also has ongoing international collaborations cell therapy companies, developing improved ways to store, transport, and deliver cell-based therapies. Further information can be found at www.atelerix.co.uk.


Dr Dean Hallam


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