Tuesday, 30 November 2021 to Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Prof Chris Petkov

Prof Chris Petkov
Prof Chris Petkov
University of Newcastle


Profile of Prof Chris Petkov

Chris Petkov is Professor of Comparative Neuropsychology at Newcastle University, UK, and Vice Chair for Research at the University of Iowa, USA. They specialize in advanced imaging and neurophysiological research using cutting-edge neuroimaging and neurobiological technologies. The research informs and is responsive to work with neurosurgery and neurology patients. The laboratory seeks to understand the evolutionary bases for human brain specialization alongside those that are based on evolutionarily conserved principles. We believe that understanding evolutionary change principles is paramount for improving pharmacological treatments, neurobiological understanding, and any form of translation from animal models to humans, including rescuing treatments that may otherwise fail. They are co-lead on a global primate neuroimaging initiative and carry Wellcome Trust (UK) Investigator and European Research Council awards. The laboratory research is also supported by the National Institutes of Health, USA.


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