Tuesday, 30 November 2021 to Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Dr Martin Goodier

Dr Martin Goodier
Dr Martin Goodier
Assistant Professor Platform Manager Flow Cytometry and Immunology.
London School of Hygiene and tropical Medicine

Profile of Dr Martin Goodier

Dr Martin Goodier (MRG) has recently been appointed as laboratory platform manager for Flow cytometry and Immunology at the MRC unit @LSHTM in The Gambia. He will be presenting data on his research into innate immunity and vaccine induced immunity
from The Gambia and other African settings.
MRG obtained his doctorate at the University of Sussex, studying the regulation of gene expression during lymphocyte activation. Subsequently he held postdoctoral positions at Max-Planck Institute for Immunbiologie and at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) studying human immunity to malaria parasites followed by a Welcome trust funded position at the Kennedy Institute for Rheumatology working on the mechanisms of lymphocyte bystander activation. At Imperial College London, MRG made a significant contribution to our understanding of how chronic HIV-1 infection influences Natural Killer (NK) cell immunity, the role of human cytomegalovirus in the induction of NK cell differentiation and the impact of anti-retroviral therapy on NK cell function both in the blood and gastrointestinal tract.
Most recently, at LSHTM he has applied his research on innate Natural Killer cell differentiation to human vaccine studies. His investigations include studies on impact of influenza vaccines administered via mucosal versus intradermal and intramuscular routes, influenza and DTPiP vaccination in an African setting, and the impacts of genetic variation and of exposure to human cytomegalovirus on vaccine induced natural killer cell responsiveness. MRG has significant experience and expertise in application immunoassays to studies of disease and vaccination responses in fieldwork settings in developing countries, working recently on projects in collaboration with the Medical research Council Gambia. MG currently leads the exploratory immunology work at LSHTM for the EU Ebola Vaccine (EBOVAC) consortium where he evaluated the contribution of effector NK cells responses to vaccine responses in phase I and II clinical trials.


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