Drug Discovery 2021 After the Storm: Re-connect, Re-invent, Re-imagine

De-risking drug development by early translational pharmacology

Fri20  Dec12:30pm(15 mins)
Room 3B
Dr Charlotte Kopitz


Nuvisan is a fully integrated Science CRO with decades of successful track record in conceiving and executing drug discovery and development programs. In our presentation we show how early and in-depth pharmacological characterization of your asset together with biological evaluation of the corresponding patient segment can help to design the smartest possible way of drug development. Some real-life examples will showcase how to overcome challenges in your drug discovery programs by pharmacological characterization combined with translational research. We will address discovery of combination partners, definition and extension of the clinical indication space, mode of action characterization as well as identification and selection of pharmacodynamic biomarker candidates.
To view the video assoicated with this lecture click here