Drug Discovery 2021 After the Storm: Re-connect, Re-invent, Re-imagine

X-reactivation as an approach to treating Rett Syndrome

Thu19  Dec04:30pm(30 mins)
Hall 1B
Prof Jeannie Lee


The human X chromosome harbors only 4% of our genes but over 20% of loci associated with intellectual disability. Because they inherit only one X-chromosome, males are more frequently affected by X-linked neurodevelopmental genetic disorders. Despite inheriting two X-chromosomes, however, females can also be affected because X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) enables only one of two X chromosomes to be expressed per cell. Notable examples include Rett, CDKL5, and Fragile X syndromes. For these disorders, disease-specific treatments have remained elusive. In female subjects, a cure may be found within their own cells, as every sick cell carries a healthy copy of the affected gene on the inactive X (Xi). Selective Xi-reactivation may therefore be a viable approach that would address the root cause of various X-linked disorders. We will discuss current approaches to reactivate the silent MECP2 allele.
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