Wednesday, 11 September 2013 to Saturday, 14 September 2013

Zoetis Encore Room

Zoetis Encore Room

With so many outstanding speakers and great sessions at Congress one of the issue raised by delegates was their frustration with only being able to be in one lecture hall at a timeā€¦

So BEVA has partnered with Zoetis to run the Encore Room again this year. All of the Congress lectures are filmed and then made available to delegates in the Encore Room (in the Commercial Exhibition Hall).

When they have a spare moment, delegates can sit down, put the headphones on, select the session or lecture that they have missed (or want to watch again!) and catch up on exceptional CPD that they might otherwise have missed.

Hosted By

British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA)

BEVA is committed to serve and lead the equine veterinary profession in the championing of high standards of equine health and welfare and the promotion of scientific excellence and education throughout the world.

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