Sunday, 4 September 2016 to Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Kinetoplast Breeders: A Meeting for PIs working on

For the past few years there has been an informal UK meeting for PIs working on kinetoplastids. The meeting has been held every two years in Lancaster and has been a mixture of talks about research, technology developments, and discussion of collaborative strategy. It has proven to be of use in networking, spreading information on emerging technologies and strategic grants etc.

This September, the British Society of Parasitology will be holding the biennial Tryp/Leish symposium in České Budějovice from the evening of Sunday 4th to Wednesday 7th and we have arranged a separate meeting for PIs attending the symposium on the Sunday afternoon along the lines of the Lancaster meeting. The main purpose will be to hear about current European collaborations and to provide an opportunity to discuss potential future collaborations.

The meeting will be on the afternoon of Sunday 4th before the BSP symposium starts. A detailed agenda will available nearer the day.

At this stage it would be helpful to know whether you would like to attend so we can get an idea of numbers. We are also happy to hear about any topics that could be discussed and to answer any questions. The BSP Conference organizers will be providing information on accommodation in České Budějovice.

Mark Carrington
Christiane Hertz-Fowler
Julius Lukes
Achim Schnaufer

Hosted By

British Society for Parasitology (BSP)

We are science based charitable society.

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