Drug Discovery 2021 After the Storm: Re-connect, Re-invent, Re-imagine

Prof Volkhard Kempf

Prof Volkhard Kempf
Prof Volkhard Kempf
M.D., Medical Microbiologist and Infection Control Specialist
Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main

Presentations at Drug Discovery 2021 After the Storm: Re-connect, Re-invent, Re-imagine

Profile of Prof Volkhard Kempf

Volkhard Kempf studied medicine in Würzburg and Oxford / Great Britain. He holds board certifications in “Microbiology, Virology and Infection Epidemiology”, „Hospital Infection Control“, “antibiotic stewardship” and “travel medicine”. Since 2009 he is professor and director of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main. He is leading the Bartonella consiliary expert laboratory (appointed by the Robert Koch-Institute). His research is focused on (i) bacterial pathogenicity, (ii) the hypoxia-driven host response upon infections and (iii) clinical microbiology and infection control. Volkhard Kempf has published 186 manuscripts with a cumulative impact factor of 832, his scientific citation index (“Hirsch factor) is 44. He is co-coordinator of the DFG research Group 2251 (Acinetobacter) and is acting president “DGHM-Stiftung”. Since 2012 he is editor in chief of “Medical Microbiology and Immunology” (founded in 1886 by Robert Koch).


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