Drug Discovery 2021 After the Storm: Re-connect, Re-invent, Re-imagine

Sara Imarisio

 Sara Imarisio
Sara Imarisio

Presentations at Drug Discovery 2021 After the Storm: Re-connect, Re-invent, Re-imagine

Profile of Sara Imarisio

Sara Imarisio is the Head of Strategic Initiatives at Alzheimer’s Research UK. She is responsible for overseeing initiatives such as the charity’s Drug Discovery Alliance, the UK Dementia Research Institute, and the Brains for Dementia Research. Prior to joining Alzheimer’s Research UK, she was a postdoc in Cambridge affiliated to Prof David Rubinsztein’s lab, screening for modifiers of neurodegenerative diseases caused by aggregate-prone proteins. She did her PhD in Italy, working on the characterisation of a protein involved in the latest stages of the cell cycle and necessary for the correct development of the brain.


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