Drug Discovery 2021 After the Storm: Re-connect, Re-invent, Re-imagine

Anita Ramanathan

 Anita Ramanathan
Anita Ramanathan
Word Cortex

Presentations at Drug Discovery 2021 After the Storm: Re-connect, Re-invent, Re-imagine

Profile of Anita Ramanathan

Anita Ramanathan is an award-winning speaker and science communicator who delivers high-value, energetic and actionable workshops on how to communicate sophisticated ideas, especially in the science and tech industry.
She once wore gloves and examined brain sections as a neuroscientist before becoming a science communicator. In her capacity as a science writer/editor, she uncovered and crafted hundreds of stories buried under numbers, data and dry facts. Anita’s unique journey gives her an excellent perspective on the real challenges that professionals face when communicating their technical message effectively—and with integrity.
Through her company, Word Cortex, Anita helps professionals bridge the gap between doing the work and communicating its worth, one talk at a time.
When she’s not speaking or writing, Anita is probably busy doing serious research on storytelling… by binge-watching Netflix.


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