Drug Discovery 2021 After the Storm: Re-connect, Re-invent, Re-imagine

Sam Genway

 Sam Genway
Sam Genway
Capgemini Engineering

Presentations at Drug Discovery 2021 After the Storm: Re-connect, Re-invent, Re-imagine

Profile of Sam Genway

Sam has an academic research background in theoretical physics, specialising in the simulation of quantum systems. He has spent seven years as a consultant working in data-driven R&D and has led projects at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing. Sam has worked with several of the largest pharmaceutical companies on challenges such as AI-driven de novo drug design and virtual screening. Within Capgemini Engineering, he has spent the last two years leading an in-house technology accelerator programme, undertaking research projects in the applications of developing technologies such as reinforcement learning and quantum optimisation.


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