CRISPR in Drug Discovery 2021

Dr Lars Steinmetz

Dr Lars Steinmetz
Dr Lars Steinmetz
PI & Senior Scientist

Presentations at CRISPR in Drug Discovery 2021

Tue23  Mar05:00pm(20 mins)
Joint Q&A Session

Session: Functional Genomics
Room: Conference Hall

Profile of Dr Lars Steinmetz

Dr. Lars M. Steinmetz is a Professor of Genetics at Stanford University, Co-Director of the Stanford Genome Technology Center, and Senior Scientist at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). His laboratories have a strong track record in developing and applying cutting-edge experimental, statistical, and computational methods in genomics. Many of the technologies he has pioneered have since become gold standards that are widely applied by others and have led Dr. Steinmetz to co-found three companies: Sophia Genetics, currently the world’s largest clinical genomics network, Levitas bio, a new diagnostics company based on magnetic levitation technology, and Recombia Biosciences a new start-up based on gene editing technologies developed in the lab. In addition, Dr. Steinmetz promotes transatlantic research as Director of the Life Science Alliance, a joint research initiative which fosters innovative science and exchange between Stanford and EMBL.


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